サイトアイコン Lifeeeレザークラフト

【レザークラフト】キットを使ったカードケース作り // 初心者の方におすすめ // Making a leather card case // DIY kit //

Introducing how to make a leather card case using the kit.


The sewing holes are already made and the kit contains thread, a needle, and a ball stud, so you don’t need any special tools to complete the item.
You could order the kits as follows;
*A set of TOKONOLE and a piece of loofah sponge is also available our online shop.

WEB SITE ► https://makingandthings-urukust.com/collections/diy-leather-kits

レザークラフトを楽しむ人のためのウェブサイト、MAKING AND THINGS BY .URUKUSTを運営しています。


We have our website “MAKING AND THINGS BY .URUKUST” for those who want to enjoy leather crafting.
You can download PDF patterns and buy the materials which we make on this YouTube video. You can also take video lessons with detailed commentary on our website.We also carry some DIY kits for beginners, so please check them out!


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MakingandThingsbyurukust
Website: http://urukust.com

